Vince Fabra

Combining the 'Ha Ha' and the 'Ah Ha', Vince Fabra shares humor and drops knowledge every time he takes the stage.


“Vince has an energetic personality and is able to connect with fraternity men to deliver an important message in a fun environment.”

About Vince Fabra

Hello! My name is Vince Fabra, and I want to begin this bio about me by letting you know that I don’t really like “bio’s” or “about me’s”. Now, let me tell what I *do* like.

I like microphones.

1. They amplify our voices. This is an incredible achievement in technology that we often take for granted. Imagine you’re at a Beyonce concert sitting at the top of the arena, but Queen B doesn’t have a microphone. That’s a waste of $200.00

2. They amplify our messages. Microphones allow us to share our messages with the masses. If you have something to say that is interesting, inspirational, enlightening, or entertaining, grab a microphone. More people hear you when you have one in your hand.

Admittedly, I enjoy having my voice amplified. All public speakers do. It would be a poor choice of a profession if we didn’t. But the best part about this job is connecting with audiences. Whether, I’m holding a microphone to make a point, tell a joke, or interview someone – the goal is always the same. I want people to feel connected to one another through the sounds being amplified over the speakers. That is my passion, and I would love to share that passion on your campus, at your conference, or wherever there’s a microphone present.

If you were looking for more of a traditional bio or about me — “Vince Fabra graduated from the University of Southern Mississippi with a degree in Communication Studies. A member of Pi Kappa Phi fraternity, he now lives in Charleston, South Carolina with his wife, Lindsay, and daughters, Hattye and Libby.